We are seeking volunteers to join our Board of Trustees
Could you be one of our next Trustees?
We are looking for new Trustees to join our Board!
We welcome applications from all backgrounds, ages, lived experience, knowledge, and skills. We would particularly love to hear from you if:
Children, young people and adults who experience mental ill-health.
Communities with experience of forced migration, including the refugee and asylum-seeking process.
Communities at risk of experiencing racial inequalities.
Children, young people and families experiencing poverty.
We are also particularly interested in hearing from individuals who can offer any of the following specific skills:
If you do not currently feel that you have all the required skills and experience but are committed and willing to learn – we welcome your application, providing you have the time to learn these skills and responsibilities within your first six months of Trusteeship.
Cartwheel’s current Trustees are aged between 21 – 65, and work in the voluntary, education, arts, charity, and health care sectors. They describe themselves as ‘critical friends’ and are an integral support to our staff, volunteers, and participants.